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#35328 - “So bitch, looks like you have to be a hostess and party favor for three more of my friends today!” Looking down at her in disgust “Christ go clean up, don’t want my friends to think you’re a dirty whore now do I?” Then from another room “Mind if we use the mutie for a while Joe?” “No she’s all yours, just make sure she not harmed so she can have three more guys fucking her all day!” Then turning back to Sherry “Say any chance of you making a pasta dish for when we get hungry from gangbanging the two of you?” Sherry doesn’t say a word as she drags her battered body off the mattress and staggers her way to the bathroom locking herself inside. Forty minutes later I’m joined by Rob and Keith both who needs a shower in the worst way. As I comment about their stench they both remark the only shower is behind a locked door Heading back up I pound on the door until Sherry unlocks it! She comes out the same way she went in dazed but at least she smells less skanky than before.

Read Step Fantasy Ane wa Boku ni Sakarae Nai Jerking Ane wa Boku ni Sakarae Nai

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Kasen kanesada
What does that mean ph
Damn that was hott as fuck your sexy as hell and that ass is amazing love watching you ride